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Sheridan, Oregon Logging Company
The small, rural town of Sheridan, Oregon lies in the Willamette Valley, between Portland, Salem, and the Oregon Coast. Known for its agriculture and logging industry, the town is mostly land with a small downtown area serving its local population. Sheridan sits on the South Yamhill River and along Oregon Route 18, which runs between the cities of Lincoln City and Portland. As a throughway for many travelers, Sheridan serves as a quaint stop along the way.
Because of Sheridan’s large plots of land, the timber industry in the area has been growing. At Rieger Logging we hope to contribute to this development by helping you log and process your timber locally. We have experience and connections with local lumber mills and are therefore able to negotiate to ensure you get the best price for your timber. Our logging practices have been refined through our decades of years in the logging business, meaning your logs are sent to the mill in the best condition possible.
As a logging company, our priorities are our customers and their land. This includes managing land that you may wish to maintain rather than log. Having developed our business in an area known for its beautiful forests, we know how important it is to keep these forested lands around and thriving for future generations. That’s why we want to work with you to replicate natural forest processes to maintain the ecosystem on your land.
If you’re interested in starting a timberland development project in Sheridan, Oregon, please reach out to us at Rieger Logging for a personal consultation.