Forestry Services
At Rieger Logging, we take our forestry services very seriously. When it comes to providing the best tree care during the logging process, we lean heavily on our timber fallers. They have the responsibility of saving out, or not breaking, the trees. We accomplish this by “building a lay” or piling logs at one end of the tree in question. This helps to save it out by keeping it suspended in the air.
While taking care to save out trees is an extra step, we do it because you, the land owner, benefits. How? Most mills will pay you more money for a long log verses a short log. If you have a tree that has one hundred and twenty feet of merchantable timber in it, and you saved it out, you will be much more profitable.
Call us at (503) 812-7120 for a free bid.
Land Clearing
Our favorite forestry service is land clearing. It’s very rewarding to take a piece of land that isn’t being used and turning it into something usable. One of our biggest land clearing projects was clearing out seventy acres of timber. We went in, logged the timber, and pulled all the stumps. We then burned these stumps and the brush, and within a few months, a crop of corn was planted in the previously forested space. What once took farmers years to do can now be done in a matter of months.
Whether you want a handful of trees around your house removed or need several hundred acres cleared for a vineyard, Rieger Logging is at your service. Give us a call for your free bid today.

Timberland Management
We live in a time where the general public has a negative view of the logging industry. It’s a common misconception that we only look at trees for the dollar sign and don’t care about anything else. That can’t be farther from the truth. Rieger Logging believes that our forests are a renewable resource, and that we are responsible for them. Our tree care services take into account all environmental and wildlife factors while making the forests work for us, too. It’s possible to simultaneously provide income for the timber owner, make a sanctuary for families and wildlife to enjoy, and create jobs for mills, lumber yards, building contractors, and truckers. That doesn’t mean that we must be held to a 35-40-year harvest cycle. We need ALL stages of timber size…
Give us a call to learn more about our forestry services.