Our Process
Personal Consultation
When you contact Rieger Logging for a consultation, I, Coby Rieger, will meet with you personally. I will not send a representative or a hired forester. During our consultation, we will discuss your goals for the property. Whether you would like a clearer view of your backyard or would like to explore a long-term management plan, I will work with you to create the ideal solution.
Choosing A Mill
The second step in our tree removal or forest management process is to evaluate the overall grade of the stand and determine which mills will pay the best for certain log sizes and diameters. We go above and beyond to maximize your profit, and we remain completely transparent throughout the process. Unlike other logging companies who work for certain mills, we don’t work for any mill. We work for you.
Obtaining Permits
As a professional and responsible forestry company, we obtain all necessary permits on your behalf. We will also obtain all the purchase agreements needed through the mills we agree to work with.
Clean Up
After the tree removal process, we will clean up the brush created and pile it. You can choose to burn the brush piles in the fall, or we can do the burning for you.

If your chosen logging method is a final harvest, reforestation is required. We can advise you on this responsible forestry process, or we can oversee the reforestation process for you.