Timberland Management
We are blessed to live in a coastal rainforest here in the Northwest. While it’s nice to get away to warm and dry climates, I always find myself wanting to return to the green of home. Because of the beauty of our forests, many people have a negative view of the logging industry. A common misconception is that loggers, timberland management companies, and other forest services only look at trees solely for their monetary value. This can’t be farther from the truth, especially at Rieger Logging. Our environmentally responsible methods and values allow us to respect our forests while providing income for the timber owner, making a sanctuary for families and wildlife, and creating jobs for mills, lumber yards, and other professions.
Creating A Renewable Resource
Our professional timberland management solutions maximize your forest’s ecosystem, creating a renewable resource that will last for generations to come. We consider all environmental and wildlife factors while we provide our forest services.
Call us at (503) 812-7120 to discuss your timberland management needs.
Creating A Thriving Ecosystem Through Forest Management
To have a thriving ecosystem, we need ALL stages of timber sizes. This means that we aren’t only held to a 35-40-year harvest cycle. Mother Nature creates these ecosystems through stages that span over hundreds of years by:
- Introducing a disease that eliminates a certain species
- Producing a wind storm that blows down a portion of the timber stand, making acres of room for a new stand to thrive
- Creating very dense stands of timber where taller trees grow faster and stronger while shorter trees fight for light and grow weaker
With a thoughtful forest management plan, we can mimic Mother Nature to create results that don’t take hundreds of years to manifest.